Want to host a guest session?

Share your magic + grow your business.

Hey, partner!

Thanks for your interest in partnering with The Healing Mind App to help people come back to themselves and restore their highest frequency. Together, we'll help them not only improve their lives but the lives of others in the process.

About us.

The energy healing meditations, sound healing sessions and subliminals inside of The Healing Mind App are transmissions, calibrations, energy resets, & frequency shifts that take listeners on a journey back to themselves and the healing power of their mind.

While traditional meditation apps focus solely on meditation sessions, The Healing Mind App was created to give access to the benefits of energy healing - at a fraction of the cost of a live session. With 100+ energy healing meditations and subliminal audios, users have a tool for daily energetic hygiene and support in elevating their vibrational frequency.

How we’re different.

Guest sessions.

Throughout the year, we host a guest session inside the app from expert teachers like you to help you grow your business and expand our listeners experience. By creating a custom session for The Healing Mind App, you're expanding your reach, serving others with your gifts and helping us gain exposure, too! This is the Age of Aquarius after all, where win-win partnerships are our standard.

We're a new product, but due to our growth strategy, our numbers are always on the rise. Since your session (with your links!) will live inside the app, each new subscriber means another set of eyes and ears on your work. We also promote your session via email and Instagram posts/stories.

Expand your reach.

want to apply?

Submit Your Request.